Care with Compassion

NPC Registration number 2023/152605/08

To bring a smile to the learners and the elderly.

To try and change the lives of affected individuals due to social and economical ills in our communities by restoring dignity and hope.

Care with compassion logo

About us

Happy children
Happy children

We started SHC – Second Hand Clothing in February 2015. We saw the need in the community as learners were going to school with broken clothes and shoes that weren’t part of their school uniform. We also saw our Senior Citizens sitting the whole day without doing any activities.

Our aim was to be self sustainable by collecting preloved clothing, shoes, bedding, furniture, and household goods and selling it to the public at affordable prices to raise funds and to purchase school uniforms and stationery for the school children and excursions for the Seniors.

We had to put in a lot of our own funds and time to make this project a success. Wasn’t always easy. We had our challenges. What makes it so heart warming, is when you see the happy faces, the smiles when they go out on a train or boat trip, or even just a walk on the beach.

In October 2023, due to financial constraints, we decided to open a Non Profit Company called CARE WITH COMPASSION.
Doing this it gives our charity organization a bigger scope to apply for funding and volunteering from companies and corporates.
The need is much bigger out there. Poverty is a big factor in our society. Learners are still going to school without proper required school uniform and stationery.


Heart museum excursion

Our Seniors went on a very exciting excursion to The Heart Museum at Groote Schuur Hospital. The excitement to see where Dr Chris Barnard did the first heart transplant. It brought back some good memories to our people. It was a time of reflection for them.

Heart museum excursion

Senior abuse workshop

We also had a very successful Senior Abuse workshop with the Department of Social Development. Seniors were made aware of where to go or who to contact in case of verbal or physical abuse. It was a very informative workshop.

Senior abuse workshop


All donations welcome.  We can arrange collection or you can drop in Kensington (view the map below)

Thank you to these donors:

  • Sean Walbridge: USA / SA
  • Mike and Julia Walsh: UK
  • Nicole: Germany
  • Indira Gehla: SA
  • Gabriele Ludwig: Fruth Deutschland
  • Nicole & Christian Geduldig: Grafing Deutschland
  • UCT staff & students

Bank details

Standard Bank
Account number: 10215235663
Branch: Johannesburg
Branch code: 000205

For international payments:

Care with compassion logo

Get in touch

Contact us

Edith: 082 212 7721

Shawco Building
157-12th Avenue

Where we are